
Boy, I don't even remember when I bought this game - I think is was when the Xenon Mines were still a thing, and the Gravity Bikes were found on asteroids with the caskets.

From that times to nowadays, I really only managed to play the game until "the end" recently, and my only regret is not had done it before. :) The lore is very, very immersive - a mesh up of Phillip K. Dick with Asimov - and I think a bit of Arthur C. Clark. You can play the game without reading a single data crystal, but I strongly suggest you read every single one.

The soundtrack is impressive, and it runs marvellously on the Steam Deck (after you manage to configure the controls in a way you like it).

If you enjoy Indie games, I bet you will find Rodina very interesting.

Check it out on Steam.
